A time-trial ahead of us


It is a challenging moment for all businesses and entrepreneurs going through a very difficult moment.

First and most importantly we are pleased to say all LOOK and CORIMA employees around the world are in good health, as well as their families.

I hope also everyone of you is safe and in good health.

As an international company, we were able to learn from our suppliers, clients and competitors to put in place, in good timing, strict measures to protect the entire LOOK family in all our offices and factories.

In Europe we are now unfortunately racing a difficult time trial against this pandemic and putting the business through a difficult test. We have been kept production going in our factories in Nevers, Loriol and Tunisia until today, to serve our clients around the world, and support our suppliers, without any compromise to safety. We took the very painful decision to stop production as it has become difficult to operate with many suppliers stopping, transportation costs becoming too high, credit insurance companies pulling back and not supporting the efforts done by industrial players. Most importantly because we do not want to take any compromise with the physical and mental health of our staff. We will continue to support our clients and our strong community of partners and fans in home office mode.

We are in touch with the office of the Mayor and our State Representatives in the Region to put our resources and know how at service to the local community in this moment. We donate our remaining masks and gels to the local hospital.

We will recover and rebound via the effort of each of us as individuals, entrepreneurs and employees of small and medium businesses. We drive the real economy and we will drive its recovery through sheer energy, force and commitment.

A heartful THANK YOU to all LOOK employees for their support, solidarity, and strength shown in this moment. It is a privilege to work with such an incredible group of people.

Thank you also to the entire LOOK community – you are the reason we love our job and keep dreaming about the next ideas, and the real force in this challenging times.


Federico MUSI

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