765 Gravel RS Apex AXS
765 Gravel RS Apex AXS
765 Gravel RS Apex AXS
765 Gravel RS Apex AXS
765 Gravel RS Apex AXS
765 Gravel RS Apex AXS
765 Gravel RS Apex AXS
765 Gravel RS Apex AXS

765 Gravel RS Apex AXS

SKU | 28929

Couleur Purple Pink Neon Green


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Avec ce 765 Gravel RS, vous ne passerez pas inaperçu ! Si son cadre et sa fourche conçus en carbone haut module assurent un comportement remarquable, sa peinture aussi. Un vélo d'exception pour lequel nous avons choisi la toute dernière transmissions Apex AXS, assurant un changement de rapport simple, fluide et efficace.
Why will you love it?

Why will you love it?


A carbon frame with sporty endurance geometry geared to performance Fit the wheels and tyres of your choice. The only limit: a maximum cross-section of 40mm Enjoy unfailing comfort thanks to 3D Double Wave technology in the rear stays

Technical specifications




Stack 530 554 578 602 626
Reach 355 365 375 385 395
I - Head tube (°) 70.3 70.3 70.3 70.3 70.3
J - Seat tube (°) 74 74 73 73 73
A - Seat tube 470 490 510 535 560
B - Top Tube horizontal 507 524 552 569 586.5
C - Front Center 577 595.5 614 632.5 651
D - Trail 72 72 72 72 72
F - Fork offset 50 50 50 50 50
G - Chainstays 420 420 420 420 420
K - Head tube 111.5 137 162.5 188 213.5
L - Fork 395 395 395 395 395
HAV 70 70 70 70 70
Stack (mm) 530
Reach (mm) 355
I - Head tube (°) 70.3
J - Seat tube (°) 74
A - Seat tube (mm) 470
B - Top Tube horizontal (mm) 507
C - Front Center (mm) 577
D - Trail (mm) 72
F - Fork offset (mm) 50
G - Chainstays (mm) 420
K - Head tube (mm) 111.5
L - Fork (mm) 395
HAV (mm) 70
Stack (mm) 554
Reach (mm) 365
I - Head tube (°) 70.3
J - Seat tube (°) 74
A - Seat tube (mm) 490
B - Top Tube horizontal (mm) 524
C - Front Center (mm) 595.5
D - Trail (mm) 72
F - Fork offset (mm) 50
G - Chainstays (mm) 420
K - Head tube (mm) 137
L - Fork (mm) 395
HAV (mm) 70
Stack (mm) 578
Reach (mm) 375
I - Head tube (°) 70.3
J - Seat tube (°) 73
A - Seat tube (mm) 510
B - Top Tube horizontal (mm) 552
C - Front Center (mm) 614
D - Trail (mm) 72
F - Fork offset (mm) 50
G - Chainstays (mm) 420
K - Head tube (mm) 162.5
L - Fork (mm) 395
HAV (mm) 70
Stack (mm) 602
Reach (mm) 385
I - Head tube (°) 70.3
J - Seat tube (°) 73
A - Seat tube (mm) 535
B - Top Tube horizontal (mm) 569
C - Front Center (mm) 632.5
D - Trail (mm) 72
F - Fork offset (mm) 50
G - Chainstays (mm) 420
K - Head tube (mm) 188
L - Fork (mm) 395
HAV (mm) 70
Stack (mm) 626
Reach (mm) 395
I - Head tube (°) 70.3
J - Seat tube (°) 73
A - Seat tube (mm) 560
B - Top Tube horizontal (mm) 586.5
C - Front Center (mm) 651
D - Trail (mm) 72
F - Fork offset (mm) 50
G - Chainstays (mm) 420
K - Head tube (mm) 213.5
L - Fork (mm) 395
HAV (mm) 70

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